This unit reflects the Victorian Digital Curriculum which is a central initiative for STEM teaching in schools. It aims to foster students’ critical thinking skills (such as computational thinking and logical reasoning) as a means to understanding, communicating and solving a problem individually and collaboratively. Students learn to control Sphero SPRK+ robots on Mars. They work in groups to analyse a problem, design a solution and evaluate their success.
1 class per booking, may be booked as a pair with a related course. 24 students maximum, minimum 12.
$12 per student (plus GST);
Victorian Government Schools
$17 per student (plus GST);
Non- Government Schools
for full day teamed with
Expedition to the M.A.R.S. Base Program
$22 per student (plus GST)
Victorian Government Schools
$27 per student (plus GST)
Non-Government School
for a full day teamed with
The Stars in Your Life Program, Yr 7.8,9,10
$24 per student ( plus GST)
Victorian Government Schools
$30 per student ( plus GST)
Non- Government Schools
Please ask whether your school is eligible for a subsidy.
*Interstate ,International and Homeschooled students P.O.A. (Price on Application)
Years 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Offsite maximum of 2 classes.
5/6 classes may be teamed with Expedition to the M.A.R.S. Base; or Yr 7/8/9 may be teamed with The Stars in Your Life.
To make a full day, book two classes to pair.